The life of everybody is a beautiful story. There are times when we seem so confused, depressed and bitter, and we could even say, “my life’s a mess,” but it’s not true. If only you could see your end, you’d know that no matter what the circumstance you’re in now, your story is interesting, sweet, and captivating.

Sadly (or luckily) our life is a book of which we can’t flip to the end without going through each page one by one. So we must patiently go from day to day before we reach the end. I know of someone who told me that when she reads a book and gets to a place of high suspense, when she can’t bear it any more, she’d flip a few pages to see the end of the suspense, then she’d say to herself something like, “Ah, he didn’t die. Phew,” then she’d go back and continue reading from where she stopped. If you ask me, that’s a bad reading practice.

As the author of one published novel and another in the writing, I can say I’d be disappointed if you told me that you didn’t go through my book from page to page. I’d be disappointed because my goal would only be achieved if you go with me from page to page as I reveal to you surprises one after another. This is the best way to enjoy a novel. So life is fashioned in a way that you can’t even flip to the next page so that you can enjoy it the best way possible. God surely did this, as the author of our lives, because he didn’t want us to kill the fun of living.

The God who authored your life is a loving God. So you can be rest assured that your life’s a beauty. In the end you shall know. He said, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (Jeremiah 29:11). So you see. With this understanding, why bother, just live from day to day in patience, courage and positivity of mind. When he says, “an expected end,” I have never really understood whose expectation he refers to. Is it ours or his own expectation. But we can be sure that his thoughts and expectations are far better than ours. So let’s be glad that he says his thought are peace and not evil. That he says, “expected end,” means that none of what happens to us is a mistake. Everything is a part of his glorious plan.

No matter what life brings your way, be patient, be strong, be courageous, be cheerful, and be positive. You’d be amazed in the end that you were the main character of the super interesting story of your life. All you need to do is walk in his ways according to his will. God bless you and thank you for reading.

By Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

photo for cover image design gotten from

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