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Wise king Solomon described a harlot this way; “her feet abide not in her house: Now is she without, now in the streets…” (Proverbs 7:10-12). But what has feminism turned our women into? Noooo! Nooo, don’t get me wrong, feminism didn’t turn them to harlots, but it turned many to be in every way in the similitude of an harlot. Get out of your house very early and you’ll see cute ladies and elderly ones skipping to work (now without, now in the streets). Why are they not at home? MONEY! Why do people become harlots? MONEY! A good home has no priority in the mind of an harlot, so does a good home has no priority in mind of much of the women in our doleful times. Money is good, but a good and healthy home is better.

So, if you are a woman, earning money is good, but have your priorities set right. Having right priorities would certainly mean you’d make sacrifices. Remember, God’s institution for raising up children remains the home and not the

By: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

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