“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)
Where the church goes to sleep, and compromise and backslidings creep in in every sphere of human existence, the Lord always brings about great awakenings with his aces. Would you be the Lord’s ace of this ultra modern age?
Philip Melancthon (1497-1560) wrote “The Pope, for the space of these certain hundred years, hath been held for the principal Head of all Christendom. When he did but wink or hold up one finger, so must the Emperors, Kings, and Princes have humbled themselves and feared; insomuch that he was Lord of all Lords, King of all Kings on earth; yea, he was an earthly god. But now comes Almighty God, throws down the Pope, and wins that great king with the ace (Luther), and there he lies. This is God’s government, as Mary sings in her Magnificat: Deposuit potentes—He puts down the mighty from their seat, etc…
“…At last comes our Lord God, divides the game, beats the Pope with Luther (he is the ace). But the Pope is not yet quite dead; Christ hath begun to slay him with the spirit of his mouth, so that he is dead in the hearts of believing Christians. I hope it is almost come so far that, in less than two hundred years, God will quite make an end of him, and of that antichristian idolatry, by his glorious coming.”
Malenchton hoped that the Lord’s glorious coming to be less than two hundred years from when he wrote these words and he expected that that would make an end of the antichristian idolatry, however it’s almost five hundred years now from the death of Malenchton and Christ hasn’t come yet. There are still many anti Christian idolatry under whose weight the world is reeling. Therefore the game continues and more aces are needed. God is looking for a man. The question however is, would he find you?
In that day when you shall see the need to be an ace, remember the place of prayer, fasting, humility, and solitude with God in study and contemplations. In adversities you should show yourself like a man, and show a good spirit. Your whole life should be manly; you should fear God alone and put your trust in him. Never be dejected, but believe and pray. Have a faith with the seal of works. Aim at heavenly honours and disregard earthly contempt. Take up your cross and embrace its loses with joy. For God would not make an ace of him who does not prepare himself. There is a dire need for a great awakening. Be at the forefront of the Lord’s army. Through sacrifice, service, devotion to God, and nonconformity to the world, you too could be another ace in this history lane. We await your rising.