This article is a follow up on my take on the allegations against Ravi Zacharias about him being involved in sexual misconducts. The investigators had published an interim report on December 23, 2020, I guess, and had said they’d publish the final report in February 2021 which they have done. I published my take on the allegations based on the interim report on December 29, 2020, which can be read on this link Now that they’ve published their final report it is good to also publish my opinion about this too. In my first article I had spoken about how foolish it is to be investigating a man after his death when he’s not present to defend himself. I have also spoken about the absurdity of everything and how the testimony of Mr. Ravi Zacharias is sufficient to annul all the allegations against him. I needn’t go into the things I’ve written here but only wish to build upon it.
I am not in the habit of defending preachers but I found that this is a wicked attempt to harm, not just the reputation of late Mr. Ravi Zacharias, but the church. It is a well aimed blow in the face of the church, but we must, like a well trained boxer, evade this blow and take the opportunity to strike back at the face of the Devil and his clerks. In such cases it is good to defend such men, especially when it is evident that there is no truth in the allegations against them. To this agrees Richard Baxter (1615-1691) who wrote, “It may fall out that the vindicating of a minister’s or other Christian’s name from a slander, may become very needful for the interest and honour of religion, and for the good of many souls.” So, I see this as a Christian duty that should not be limited to me alone, but every well meaning Christian should see it as their moral duty to defend the good name of those who have served the Lord to a good extent against false accusations.
First it is really saddening to hear of such gruesome sexual misconduct against a man of high repute for godliness like Ravi Zacharias, and like in my first response I do not believe the final report too. Please follow me kindly as we take a look at this report together.
The Origin Of The Allegation
First, let’s take a look at the origin of this allegation. From the report, the allegation started from a published article by Christianity Today on the 29th of September, 2020. It had cited 3 anonymous sources that Ravi Zacharias sexually harassed them. Why these sources had chosen to be anonymous is what I really don’t know. If the sources of an allegation can’t be verified I suppose such an allegation shouldn’t even be taken with a pinch of salt.
But what about Christianity Today through whom the so called allegation was made public? Should anyone really take Christianity Today seriously? They seem to be good at abusing dead people. They have also been well known for opposing Christian interest in every way they can.
On the 16th of December, 2020, this same Christianity Today said that Donald Trump should be removed from office invoking the name of Billy Graham (its founder) who was dead at the time of publishing the article. It was published as if that was the view held by Billy Graham. You can read the full article here: Not long after that Franklin Graham (son of the said Billy Graham) came up to refute them saying that his father had voted for Donald Trump and thought Donald Trump was the right man for the US at this point in time. This revealed that the stand of the founder was so opposed to what they had published. You can read the full article here:
So should anyone take an allegation from an anonymous (meaning unreal in fake news media terms) persons? RZIM did the posterity of their founder a major disservice in even paying attention to this dumb allegation in the first place.
The Methodless Methodology
The methodology used here were not such as I would expect from an investigation. They were just a collection of hear-says (if ever they did anything apart from cook up stories). Hear-says can not be used as an evidence against someone who has completely denied wrong doing upon the case been treated. You must present something other than mere testimonies from anonymous sources. Had they presented cctv footages, body cam, or hidden camera videos by which we can be certain that he really did the things alleged here, then would it be wise for us to believe their report.
They claimed to have found 200 photos from his phone which I consider a rather ridiculous thing to say and expect people to believe. We all know that Ravi did not die a sudden death. He didn’t die in an accident, or a fire mishap, or in any way that would have prevented him from putting himself in order before passing on. He died slowly of cancer having been warned afore-hand that he wouldn’t live long. This same report says in page 10 “Mr. Zacharias may have been more careful in deleting incriminating texts, emails, and encrypted communications after the Thompson matter.” So this same report claimed Ravi (assuming the allegations were true) was good at hiding his tracks. But despite knowing he was close to his death and being good at hiding his tracks, he still left over 200 photos for Miller & Martin PLLC to check out. It would be too bad if anyone believes that this were in fact true. It would have been better if they had said they, by means of some really sophisticated device and software, retrieved deleted photos from his phone. Then we would have applauded them that they are good investigators. But they couldn’t even recover datas from a WhatsApp conversation. They said, “There were also several photographs that appear to have been delivered through the What’s App encrypted application according to the metadata, but there were no What’s App conversations preserved on the phone.” They can’t even spell WhatsApp properly.
The descriptions they gave here were very raw and graphic, if they didn’t see it as unwise to give such dirty descriptions, they ought also have provided photos of his phone with it displaying the things they found on them. As said, they ought to have presented videos of photos taken of him while exhibiting these bad behaviours of his. But they presented nothing.
They ought to have presented these and if they can’t lay hold of any of such things they ought to have held their peace. The substance of Ravi Zacharias’ defence is far more than the testimonies from anonymous people. Why should we discard Ravi’s testimony and hold to those of anonymous people? That is sure not a wise thing to do.
I don’t have much experience with reports nor do I know how an investigative report ought to be, but at least I know it should be convincing. The only other investigative report I have read is that about the tragic death of Princess Diana. I got interested in this report when I started hearing of all the negative exploits of Harry and I soon learnt about Diana and her death. I read the report but got bored along the way and stopped reading it. But that was actually an investigation. It had 871 pages. Not like this which had just 12. A lazy work? In that report on the death of Diana, they actually carried out a lot of autopsy to prove everything they presented in the report. They worked hard rather than doing a shabby work of calling people and asking them, “what do you think about Princess Diana’s death?… Em, don’t worry, we won’t mention your name… Just rattle on… Okay?” Of course under such circumstance people would say all the crap that comes up their head for they know they can’t be held accountable for it.
This report also sought to give credence to the false allegation by the Thompsons that Mr. Ravi Zacharias had convincingly defended himself against. He defended himself with far more wisdom and tact than this crappy report. This is despite the fact that the Thompsons had demanded money from Mr. Ravi Zacharias. If they had demanded money, is it not obvious that they only sought to blackmail him? Their seeking to give credence to the claim by the Thompsons and many other things in the report shows the ill motive behind the report.
A Word From Nathan Zacharias
While putting this article I ran into a word from Nathan Zacharias, the son of Ravi Zacharias on the matter. I had been curious about what his family had to say on the matter. I had Googled his wife’s name but found no relevant result. When I wrote my take on the interim report, someone lied to me that his family had been a part of the board and were part of the whole thing. I also expected to hear about what his family had to say in the report but nothing of such was to be found. I thought this was professional though. If you call his family to testify, they may seek to defend him, not for the truth’s sake but for the emotional fixation they have for their father and husband. But I was still eager to hear from his family to hear their own version of the story. I was so glad when I saw what his son had to say on the matter.
You can read his take on his instagram page here:
It revealed the absurdities evident in the approach taken in the investigative process by Miller and Martin PLLC and the conduct of RZIM.
Weighing The Contradictory Voice
While we have no clear evidence in both the accuser and the accused, we have but to weigh their testimony. In any case a man’s own words must be taken to be of more weight than that of any other unless there are very convincing proofs to prove the contrary. So far the report from Miller & Martin PLLC is far from being able to prove the contrary. Not even the apologies and verdict of RZIM is enough to annul his testimony about himself when he defended himself against the allegations brought against him by the Thompsons.
Just for a reminder, here is his testimony of himself before his death. “In my 45 years of marriage to Margie, I have never engaged in any inappropriate behaviour of any kind.” Apparently the link to the full texts of his defence on RZIM has been removed from the website.
While I don’t rule out the possibility of a man being guilty of these accusations, if he says this of himself and a host of other things in his defence, the shabby and crappy sham presented by Miller & Martin PLLC is far from sufficient to annul his testimony.
We have seen many cases where gruesome allegations of sexual misconducts were brought against people which were proven completely false. When Bret Kavanaugh was selected by Donald Trump to serve as a supreme court justice he was accused with even the witness being known and testifying in person that he had sexually abused her, in the end it was found to be false and without substance. There was an allegation of sexual assault against Trump by one E. Jean Carroll, but he simply brushed it aside with the statement, “she’s not my type.” And that died. These people had names, they witnessed, and knew before their allegations that their names and reputations were on the line, yet they came out publicly with their false allegations. How far much more possible it is for the host of these faceless nameless people to present false allegations seeing they have nothing to lose whatsoever. So all the testimonies garnered by Miller & Martin PLLC are of very little substance seeing it is way too plausible for these testimonies to be false.
Seeing false allegations of sexual misconducts are rampant in our times, it makes the Miller & Martin PLLC’s report to be far less believable.
My Past Observations
Now, I have observed certain things about people who get caught in sexual misconducts and they usually have some things in common. Usually people who get caught in such things often dress in excessively fine ways that are obviously meant to please and attract women. They sound spiritual but still dress in ways that attract women. The other thing is that they are often people who downplay the importance of holiness and purity and preach more on grace and how people should not be so bothered about their sins. This, I guess, makes there approach to women more easy. I didn’t find these in the sermons of Ravi and his way of dressing. His dressing is usually simple and his sermons don’t downplay the importance of holiness and purity. His sermons reflects a heart burdened by the need of our time for holiness, purity, and a deeper knowledge of God. It is very hard for such a person to be seeking to sexually abuse women. Presenting sermons like this and going after women would be like putting obstacles in one’s own ways.
The Scriptural Stance On Massaging
As for the matter of receiving massage from women, I do not have any reason to believe it is true seeing I have no other source of this than this Miller & Martin PLLC guys. Seeing they’ve proven to be grave liars I’d have to hear it from another source before I can believe it. However it is good to state what the scriptural stance on massage is at this point. The Bible says, “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” (1 Corinthians 7:1) So it is good not to touch a woman for any reason, though it doesn’t mean that it is bad to touch a woman in necessary cases, for if something is good not to do it is not necessarily bad to do. It is written, “And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.”(Matthew 8:14-15). Our Lord did not sin in touching her hand. It is also written, “But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.” (Acts 9:40-41). Peter did not sin in giving her his hand. So in cases of baptism, or other necessary things, it is not bad to touch a woman. But the command remains “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” (1 Corinthians 7:1). So we must avoid it as much as possible. But that portion of scriptures goes on to say, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” (1 Corinthians 7:2). So to avoid fornication it becomes bad to allow a woman other than one’s own spouse to massage him or her, not even in a case when it is necessary for treatment and wellness. In a case when a person’s spouse can’t do the job (for treatment and wellness), let a person of the same sex do it. I believe that Mr. Ravi Zacharias must hold this view also and must have kept from women. We can conclude so based on his own testimony.
The Scope Of Wickedness
Now, it is important to see the manner of wickedness being done here that well meaning Christians would not keep silence but speak against this gruesome evil. His image is so badly damaged. What I see all over the net is that he presented a life of a saint to the public but lived like the Devil. That is just terrible. Sadly, seeing through this guile we still have a noble memory of him.
This is damaging to as many people who may have been led to Christ through Ravi Zacharias’ ministry. They may throw all his books away, burn them, and refuse to believe them. They may find it heard to believe any other person that calls on the name of Christ. They would see everyone as a hypocrite. This would hinder the gospel to a great extent.
This is so damaging to his family. His memory is all that is left them. And now this memory is made to stink. Should his wife believe this thing, the only thing she has left of him would be completely destroyed. All the sweet memories she would have of him that would have made her smile would now make her cry. When she sees his photos, she shall no more see the face of her love but the face of a man who deceived her all through her life. Even if she does not believe this thing, yet is the wickedness behind it not lessened. That the intention failed does not make it any less in wickedness.
We could go on and on. Today it is the dear wife and family of Ravi Zacharias that has had to go through this painful experience. Tomorrow it could be your widow and your family. This wickedness requires a total condemnation from all quarters. And let us remember them in our prayers. This is a grave evil done to this family.
I do not rule out the possibility of him being involved in a sexual misconduct of some kind, but I believe his testimony rather than that of Miller & Martin PLLC. I believe the investigators need to go to kindergarten school of lying. We must still hold to the testimony of Ravi Zacharias of himself. If Miller & Martin PLLC as well as RZIM want us to believe otherwise, they need to go back and do a better investigation and provide a better report than this sham. To present this crap as a report is a slap upon the faces of as many they expected to read it. It is a really big shame on all those who believe it and are making a whole lot of noise about it. If they can’t present a better report they have to hold their peace.
I beseech every well meaning Christian to disregard the report altogether.
Thank you for taking a strong stand for Ravi and his family! Greatly needed and appreciated!
Lynne Adair
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for this! Praying even more for his family and his legacy. What better trap could satan have laid for us all than this… I will not destroy his books. There is nothing untrue in them. I’m praying for the truth to come out for Ravi and his family! Praying for peace and comfort for all of the family and those who know his words to be true.
Thank you too. I really appreciate.
Indeed, something does not snell right about the investigation. Enemies of the church of Jesus Christ are doing all they can to discredit the church and more importantly, attack a believer’s faith. However, as Christians, our foundations are in Jesus Christ alone, not in personalities, church ministries, charitable works or even in the church itself.
So true. In Christ alone our hope is found. Thanks so much.