—Release Note—
Dear friends, one and all. It is with great joy I bring before you my first hymn titled “My Christian Joys” to the tune “Arizona,” one of my most loved tunes. Glad to make my contribution to the library of the singing Christian. I feel humbled that as many church greats have set their pens or quill in writing great hymns that the church would hold so dear to her heart for centuries and millenniums, I too should be able to set my pen to writing a hymn to the glory of our most worthy God and Saviour. Thank God for this great honour and privilege.
Sing it alone, with your family, with your friends, and other loved ones. I hope that in singing it, you’d find warmth to your heart, and revival to your soul. Amen!
—My Christian Joys—
I’m so happy to have found Christ,
He is my all, my life’s delight,
His glory has been shed so bright,
Upon my night to make things right.
Years when I was yet rebellious,
Though I dread men I feared not God,
Till I bumped into his sore word,
Seein’ hail and fire mingled with blood.
When through these years of blindness still
My doleful heart with fear was filled,
I tremble at his word and reeled,
Knowing not ’twas to heal my ill.
There in my grief I could not tell,
What ’twas made me on my knees fell,
Before him poured my heart out well,
From that time on his love I felt.
Our Saviour who’s the strong Lion
Of Judah who we rely on,
Who for us makes intercession,
Will bring us safe to his pavilion.
Dear Lord increase our thirst for thee,
To ever thirst to thirst for thee,
Help us to crave to long for thee,
And zealous too and passionate be.
If we be cold in service here,
While thee for us are fervent there,
It is to rob you of your share,
O strip from us all carnal cares!
Let’s ever in our Lord rejoice,
With victory, triumph in our voice,
Since he has made us all his choice,
To reign above in heavenly joys.
By: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo
Header photo from: https://makinghistorynow.files.wordpress.com